This unfolds as Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau find their destinies intertwined by a cosmic convergence of powers. As they grapple with their newfound abilities, a malevolent force threatens the very fabric of reality. United by necessity, the trio embarks on a perilous journey across galaxies, facing formidable foes and uncovering long-buried secrets along the way. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, they must harness their individual strengths and forge an unbreakable bond to confront the looming threat. Amidst epic battles and heart-wrenching sacrifices, they discover the true meaning of heroism and the power of unity. Follow Bflix for more.
Watch The Marvels For Free
Title: The Marvels (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Nia DaCosta
Writer: Nia DaCosta, Megan McDonnell, Elissa Karasik
Stars: Brie Larson, Teyonah ParrisIman Vellani