This unfolds in a secluded Irish hamlet, where a troubled father grapples with his haunting past. As he confronts the consequences of a lifetime of transgressions, redemption becomes his sole pursuit. Yet, the village’s unforgiving landscape holds secrets that refuse to stay buried. Amidst the rugged beauty and ancient traditions, the father is confronted with a stark choice: confront his demons or remain shackled to his past. In a land where saints and sinners coexist, the price of absolution proves steep, challenging him to confront his darkest deeds and find salvation amidst the shadows.
Watch In the Land of Saints and Sinners of the Missing For Free
Title: In the Land of Saints and Sinners (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Robert Lorenz
Writer: Mark Michael McNally, Terry Loane
Stars: Kerry Condon, Desmond Eastwood, Conor MacNeill